What name can you give to the voice inside your head?

2 min readJul 7, 2021
Photo credit: Unsplash | Scott Web

Silenzio Bruno

This is an Italian word that means, “silence” or “be quiet”.

You are probably familiar with this word if you have seen the Disney Pixar movie, Luca.

Alberto, Luca’s friend often uses the word to tell Luca that there is a Bruno in his head which means a nagging voice that tells him that he can’t do something or not good enough. He tells him to shout ‘Silenzio Bruno’ (shut up Bruno) whenever he hears that voice.

It’s possible to stop negative thoughts before they start messing up if you’re conscious enough to identify them as soon as they occur. You can reverse the self-destructive talks into an uplifting one.

All of us have this voice inside our heads that stops us or acts as a hurdle in our daily lives. You can see that fear or discomfort when you are trying to talk to new people, learning something new, starting a new business and the list goes on…

You don’t have to always avoid these voices because if you do, then two things will happen:

They will be unresolved

Or their endless repetition will drive you crazy

Every once in a while, sit with them and write down what they are trying to convey to you. Does the voice make sense?

If yes, then work on it and try to find possible solutions and if not Mossa (move on) and say Selenzio Bruno followed by positive uplifting self-talk.




Creating magic with words | Travel and lifestyle writer